Catalyst Climbing COVID-19 Safety Policies

Catalyst Climbing COVID-19 Safety Policies

Catalyst Climbing COVID-19 Safety Policies

We at Catalyst Climbing are committed to doing everything possible to reduce the potential risk of Covid-19 whilst providing our in-person coaching sessions. In addition to closely following the procedures put in place by the climbing walls, we will also be introducing the following policies when providing our services.

  • Due to the relatively close and sustained contact for 60-90 minute periods, we have decided that to keep our coaches and students as safe as possible it will be compulsory for both Catalyst Coaches and participating students to wear face coverings throughout the entirety of their Coaching Sessions.
  • Catalyst Coaches and Students must thoroughly wash their hands at the beginning and end of every coaching session.
  • Coaches must do their utmost to keep 2 meters distance from their students as much as they can. We appreciate that this will not always be possible, and rely on the coaches to appropriately assess risks and use their judgement.
  • If a coach develops any symptoms of Covid-19, they must inform their Line Manager immediately, and will be unable to run in-person coaching sessions until they have been symptom free for 14 days.

Please bear in mind that these policies may change over time.

Amended Terms & Conditions for Private Coaching Session Bookings

  • Session packs do not expire, and can be refunded any time up until 24hrs prior to your first booking
  • Entry Fees to the climbing walls are not included with these session packs unless explicitly chosen at checkout (by selecting the option to include entry fees).
  • Coach cannot be specified, and is assigned by Catalyst based on availability
  • Sessions must be attended together, and cannot be booked separately
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